The one stop-shop for all vehicular information
All your vehicle Information, in one place
VREG Helpline: 020 18880 248

Register VIN
VIN Registration allows importers to register their VINs on the National Vehicle Registry.

Verify VIN
VIN Verification allows users to verify if a VIN is Valid and also gives the registration status of the VIN.

Transfer Vin
View all vehicle transfers
How it works
Create Account
Sign up as either an Agent, Company or Individual on the platform to start registering and verifying VINs.Register VIN
Start adding VINs to keep them on your system and get their certificate. You can do this for one or multiple vehicles at a time.Make payment
Receive your VREG certificates after payment and take charge of your vehicles’ whereabouts at all times.Enter Dashboard
Access your vehicle’s information and check the status of your registrations, payments, and certificates.For more information on the use of VREG, refer to the User guide.

Essential Vehicle Information Service
Get to know more about your vehicle
Significant reduction in customs duty evasion.
Curbing of vehicle theft and other vehicle-related crimes.
Identification of Ineffective vehicle insurance coverage.
Elimination of paperwork.
Centralized nationwide vehicular information.
An easy way to register and verify vehicle numbers.
Under the NDPR, GDPR, and other applicable regulations, we are legally obligated to protect any information we collect. Continuing to use this platform indicates your consent to the processing of your personal data by National Vehicle Registry.
See Privacy Policy